Air Barrier Technology

Air Barriers control the unintended movement of air into and out of a building enclosure.

Air barrier systems also provide a barrier to pollutants entering either the building or the building enclosure. Water vapor, suspended particulates, dust, insects, smells, etc are all pollutants which we want to keep out of either the building in general or the building enclosure. Water vapors that leaks into the building enclose (from the inside in heating climates and from the outside in cooling climates) can condensate and forms liquid water a key ingredient to corrosion and the potential development of mold.

Preperation is key to a good Air Barrier.  Filling all voids, honey cumb and cleaning the mason ties are just the begining of applying products to the surface.

This rain screen system was installed with Poly-Gaurd Air-lok Flex.

MDOT Certified_ 07407 N7 N91A

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Arisco Contracting Group, Inc.
31485 Groesbeck Hwy.

Suite B

Fraser, MI 48026-3901

Phone: (313) 432-2220

Fax: (313) 432-2192
sales@arisco.CO (NOT .COM)


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